Walter Mercado Documentary on Netflix

Walter Mercado Documentary on Netflix

Altars, shrines, and Walter Mercado Documentary on Netflix. My friend Jorge Ocasio (you can find him at Original Botanica making the most beautiful votive candles) announced one night on my Facebook feed, “the Walter Mercado documentary is up now on Netflix!” My brain...
Conjure Codex 3

Conjure Codex 3

I have been thinking… a lot. Mostly the kind that makes you go into a downward spiral of self-doubt. Yet somehow I manage to pull my sorry ass out each time. It either involves family or friends taking adventuresome risks to convince me. Art is always the...
Shadows Talking

Shadows Talking

Did you ever read stories like J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan or Hans Christian Anderson’s The Shadow as a child? Do you know what they have in common? They both told of shadows who seemed to have a mind of their own. They left their owners at night to...