So besides using practical methods and making smart choices, what else can we do to eliminate debt not just on the physical/material level but a spiritual one? If you haven’t given Jason Miller’s book “Financial Sorcery” a look yet, I highly suggest you do. I am in the school of thought that spirit will not help you unless you help yourself first. If you do the work and then give yourself a magical push, wonderful things happen. I also find being specific with spirits increases your chances and likelihood of getting what it is you want.
During the holidays, I did a series of planetary offerings to Saturn. Putting aside knowing that the astrological weather for the most part this and last year has been abysmal at best, I wanted to focus on this planet that I’m exalted in my natal but never really worked with. I wanted 2016 to be the year of “peace of mind” and focusing on eliminating debits that have accrued over the years; mainly due to either ill advisement on student loans, necessities, work equipment, poor choices, etc.
Me and my husband never really made budgets since we as freelancers lived paycheck to paycheck with an erratic economy, paying off bills monthly while continually pumping the well of clients just to survive. One of the scariest things I did was sit down and write what the actual income was. I made a list of total debts and then the monthly expenses. Seeing things clearly in numbers was not only shocking, depressing or jarring but in the end gave a sense of purpose, a goal to achieve and eventually hope and excitement.
Once I had a physical idea of the debt we had, I drew Saturn’s sigil on the print outs and Jupiter’s on the printed resumes. I bought 3 of the 7 day black candles for the next three Saturdays starting the beginning of December. I always clean my candles from any store with soap and water then with florida water. Afterwards, I dress my candles with the appropriate oils and herbs. For this, I used pine oil and hyssop flowers. Honey is also a good Saturnian offering. It represents the Golden Age when Saturn ruled before Jupiter; the lands flowed with milk and honey and everyone trusted one another. I also found tobacco and coffee were acceptable offerings.
The prayers I used were from the Orphic Hymns and Picatrix’s planetary evocations, in conjunction with christian prayers. I set up the sacred space in a corner of my apartment so it wouldn’t be disturbed and easily accessible during the weeks ahead. I cleared the space with a quick LBRP and proceeded with the prayers and petitions. On the print out of the debt, I wrote on the back my goals and petition to Saturn. During this time, I should mention, I used one of the Saturn talismans purchased through Christopher Warnock’s site to consecrate and carry on my person. When not in use, I put them on the magus next to the boveda.
Once I was finished, I cleared again and closed the space. I found myself feeling so relaxed after each evocation I fell into a deep sleep that I couldn’t explain other than, “hey, I’m pregnant. It happens.” After completing all three of the rituals, I did my normal routine of calling companies. I make sure we are always up to date and never delinquent with bills. I then update the calendar with all the info at my finger tips for the next month.
Recently, I had two credit card companies do something really weird. They didn’t do the standard monthly interest. What they did was charge you after a certain time with promotions and fees (then hit you with at collections before it’s processed the next month before you even know anything was up), or charge an entire year interest if you didn’t pay the entire amount in X amount of time.
I shut both card accounts down disgusted at the new scam tactics credit card companies are now doing to make people in further debt. I’m told by the way, that this is bad since it ruins your credit score but honestly I find it helps to break the endless cycle. Credit card companies do this in the hopes you don’t catch them until it’s too late. With credit card A, we were lucky to not only show proof that we were in the right and they in the wrong, but we were easily able to pay off the remainder in the next check. So that item got crossed off the list.
Credit card B’s story I couldn’t believe. During one of the phone conversations, one of the representatives explained to me that I was for this card, enrolled on an “unemployment protection plan”. She sent me the paperwork, I filled it out and showed the necessary documents of proof. I am excited to say that not only it was approved but the entire debt is written off. I am awaiting my documents of approval from the company to file away in my records for safe keeping (incase in the future should they turn around and say otherwise). So item two was crossed off the list.
This week, I received news from one of my student loans it has been paid in full. Item three has now been crossed off the list. Only two weeks into the new year and already I am seeing the results. In two months time, I can already see another two debts being crossed off. I plan sometime later this month to renew the Saturn ritual to help keep the momentum going. I’m finding picking off the smaller debts help at first and the rest fall in place like dominos. I plan to sit down during tax time with my accountant and figure out other strategies that could finally help me get into the mindset of actually saving!